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tv   DW News  LINKTV  November 21, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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brent: this is dw news, live from berlin. indicting the israeli prime minister. is this the beginning of the end for benjamin netanyahu? israel's attorney general charges the prime minister with a fraud, bribery,y, and breach f trust. netanyahu is calling the indictment a coup. we will take you live to jerusalem for the latest. also coming up, the fifth and final day of public hearings in u.s. president donald trump's impeachment inquiry. it follows wednesday's stenting testimony indicating that the president withheld aid to ukraine to force kiev to
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investigate democratic rival joe biden. australia's biggest city is choked by a thick blanket of smoke. millions of people in sydney are breathing dangerous air as nearby wildfires burn out of control. i'm brent goff. to rb -- our viewers around the world, welcome. the chances of israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu beginning another term in office are looking slimmer tonight. it comes after the country's attorney general announced he is pressing corruption charges against the premise or. netanyahu is being invited -- indicted for fraud, and breach of trust in three separate cases. the prime minister who denies any wrongdoing says the indictment is "an attempted coup."
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he is currently battling to stay in power after september's parliamentary elections which produced no clear winner. here is part of what netanyahu had to say earlier this evening. >> you have to be blind not to see that something bad is happening with the police and the prosecutors. tonight, we are witnessing an attempted coup with false allegations and a tainted investigation. brent: let's take this to our correspondent, tania kramemer. she's f following this from jerusalem. those were strong words coming from the prime minister, calling this an attempted coup. what do you make of all of this? tania: that't's the readading h, a very definined netanyahuhu, kd of a classic netanyayahu speech, calling it a an attempted c cou. he also said an attempt to overthrow his right-wing government, also talking about
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law enforcement, the investigators. i think thatat goes alolong his lines,s, his line ofof defense. he always said he denieies, firt of all, all thee charges. he said this is all politically motivated, this whole process. he hasas accused the left wing, the oppositition, the media,, ad also the police o on part o of e judicicial system to be behind l of that. i think the speechh tonight was mamainly addddressed to his political allies, but first and foremost, to his supporters. ststill, a v very strong solilie of s supporters who voted foror, eveven though they knew he is under investitigation. let's firsrst have a look at wht these indictments are about and what arere the casases relatingo that. let's have a look. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's political
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future hangs by a thread. following months of investigation by a special police unit, israel's attorney general has indicted ned on yahoo! -- netanyahu on several charges. these cases are coat -- are known as case 1000. netanyahu and his family are suspected of receiving gifts from business colleagues and close friends. case 2000 covers allegations that netanyahu attempted to influence the publisher of a daily newspaper to gain more positive coverage. the recommended charges in both cases, fraud and breach of trust. and case 4000, allegations of regulatory favors for israel's largest telecommunications firm in exchange for positive media coverage. the charges here, fraud, breach of trust, and bribery. netanyahu has called the charges a witchhunt against him and his family, and has denied everything. his immunity as prime minister
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means he will not be legally forced to resign. but he is caught in a political and legal limbo. after failing to put together a government after two elections, he now faces a legal process that could drag on for years. brent: it could drag on for years. what impact is this going to have, these indictments, on israeli politics? taninia: i think, the reading he ththat this hahas a huge impact. people are waiting, they haveve always ovevershadowed political lifefe. political l life in isrsrael ate moment is s also in turmomoil. there hahave been two elections that were inconclusive. nonow prime minister netanyahu, ter the lalast election, t tried toorm m a coalitition. he failed. on wednesday, yesterday,, benny gagantz, hisis main opponent, ho give back ththe mandatete becaue also f failed to put a coalititn together. now, there is a prospepect of aa
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third election.n. it willl be interesting to see whatat impact ththat has on the voting b behavior. but certaininly, all of this -- mr. . netanyahu has been a divisive victory -- figure. this will have an impact on that as well. brent: and is this going to be the nail in the political coffin for benjamin netanyahu? tania: i thinknk we will l e. we just heard him tonigig fightiting back k the allegatat, fightiting back, y you know, agt these indictments. he hasas always said this s is politically motivateded. and he will fight back in a legal way, b but also on the politicacal level. legally speaking, as a prime ministerer he does n n have to step down until hee is convicte. there are legegal challengeges n thee way that it will b be a log prococess as yoyou saiaid.
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hehe wilill have to fight for hs immunity. and there may bebe also legal challenges to the supreme court, possibly because he may have conflict of f interest being the prime e minister. bubut alson the polititical lev, it will b be interesting to see, there have b been muted responss by his ownwn party. also his polititical allieies oe right will haveve to say frfrome oppositionon. -- h have to o say. from the o opposition, t there e beenen reaeactions who have a ad him to resesign orr step dodown. that he doeses not h have the ml standing to mamake decisions in israel. all of that, of course, saying that this is the first time that a sittingng israelilirime minisr has been inindicted and not off course is a huge momentt here in political life. brent: tania kramer on the story for us in jerusalem tonight. thank you very much.
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here are some of the other stories making headlines around the world. tens of thousands of colombians took to the streets on thursday. eovernmentsro-businesess economic policies and its handlingng of a peace deal l wih the rebel group are among their grievances. the president's popularity has dwindled -- dwindled since he took power last august. hong kong's campus seizure appears to be nearing its end. 20 more pro-democracy protesters surrendered to police today and were escorted from the polytechnic university. that campus has been the scene of one of the most violent confrontations between police and demonstrators since protests began almost six months ago. china has demanded u.s. president donald trump new legislation aimed at supporting human rights in hong kong. beijing hasas threatened strong counsel -- countermeasures if the bill becomes law. the u.s. proposals would impose sanctions on chinese officials
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found it to be violating freedoms in the chinese territory. u.s. lawmakers are hearing more testimony on this, the fifth and final day of the public impeachment hearings against u.s. president donald trump. key witnesses, david holmes and fiona hill, both gave compelling evidence. political counsel holmes said how he overheard the telephone call regarding an investigation into trump's democratic rival, joe biden. national security official hill dismissed conspiracy theories about ukrainian interference on the 2016 u.s. election. if found guilty in a majority vote in the house, trump will then face and impeachment trial to be held in the u.s. senate. let's take this story to washington where car a blight or is following the story.
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good evening to you. how significant are the testimonies that we heard today from fiona hill and david holmes, given yesterday's a damming testimony that came from u.s. ambassador gordon sondland? clara: today's testimonies were very significant because we heard from two more witnesses who have firsthand confirmation or first-hand experiences about these goings-on in ukraine that we've heard so much about. as you mentioned, mr. holmes was told directly by mr. -- by ambassador sondland that president trump does not care much about ukraine and only cares about the big stuff like the investigation into the bidens. and fiona hill has also witnessed ambassador sondland talk about this with ukrainian
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officials in the white house. and tell them that a meeting with president trump would only happen if president zelensky announced to these investigations. brent: the u.s. house speaker, nancy pelosi, she spoke earlier today i in which she had this to say, take a listen. >> the evidence is clear that the president, the president has used his office for his own personal gain. and in doing so, undermined the national security of the united ststates by withholding military assistance to the ukraine, to the benefit of the russians. that he has undermined the integrity of our elections by what he has done. again, the russian interference being ignored by him. and third, he has violated his oath of office. brent: i was nancy pelosi
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speaking there. carlo, are the democrats are ready to move impeachment proceedings forward? will today's testimony be convincing enough for your republicans to change their mind -- for republicans to change their mind on president trump? clara: adam schiff, the chairman of the committee that is holding the impeachment hearings, will have to be the one to announce next steps. it is assumed he will do so pretty soon after today's hearings are over. from what we have heard from nancy pelosi saying that the evidence against trump is clear, we can reasonably assume that yes, democrats are ready to move into the next phase and also because she has stressed that they do want to move quickly. as for republicans, it is highly likely that they will not turn on trump. we have seen republican
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representatives on this committee downplay his acts and really not see them as anything all too bad. a recent poll has shown republican voters, the majority of them, have said they are now even less likely to support impeachment than they were before the public hearing started. brent: dw correspondent carla b leiker with the latest from washington. thank you. back here in europe, the leader of britain's opposition laborer, party has unveiled a detailed manifesto for next month's election. as he tries to close that opinion poll gap with the governing conservatives. labour's plan for government includes a 5% increase in public sector pay, higher taxes on companies, and the nationalization of some infrastructure. it is being billed as the most radical plan in decades. >> this party come of this movement, this manifesto is different.
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labour is on your side. and there could be scarcely a clearer demonstration of that than the furious reaction of the richest and most powerful. brent: jeremy corbyn speaking there. as the labour party pushes its economic agenda, the biggest issue in britain's upcoming election was and is remains per exit. three and half years after britain voted to leave the european union, the u.k. still hasn't left. and brexit is more devices than ever. our reporter reports. >> thank you so much. reporter: alice grand is going canvassing for the first time in her life for the brexit party. she does not think or to needs a divorce deal with the eu. her main priority is to get out of the eu as quickly as possible, just as the brexit party has promised. >> i really b believe t the bret party right now is the only party that is offering a clean
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break brexit. we have had t t tories fofor the years who have failed to take us out. i think now, the brexit party is the only party. reporter: in the affluent part of central london where alice lives, most people are pro-eu. >> hello, we are canvassing for the brexit party. do younow who you will be voting for this general election? the brexit party. >> never. >> have a good day. reporter: for 18-year-old alice and her younger sister, democracy is at stake. they say the u u.k. needs itss freedom into them come the eu is undemocratic. even though most of their friends think dififferently, thy are not discouraged. >> my old school was in a very romaine area and it was very politicized. our letter -- our lessoso were abouout shaming people who supported brexit. as a brexit here, that was hard for me. reporter: the majority of young people in the u.k. see that u.s. and think positive, opening up
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opportunities to work and study abroad. those campaigners who want to reverse brexit are trying to get as many young people to vote as possible. >> so, i'm border brexit, you are border brexit. we have been talking about this for three years and we arare all -- reporter: jamie has more than 200,000 followers on twitter and instagram. he tells them that a second referendum can put a stop to brexit. the 26-year-old law school graduate has put his career on hold to become a full-time activist. >> the things people vote for in 2016 are clearly not going to happen. they expect more control over their country, they are getting less. they are expected -- they expected to be richer, they are poor. it wilill likely d drag on for a decade. nobody wants any of these things. give us a choice. reporter: he has been verbabally abused and has received racist commmments and threats on social mediaecause of f his views on raracks d. for him, the general election is
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key.y. only if enough pro-eu politicians make it into parliament will there be a chance of a a second referendud. >> if we show up to vote i in massssive numbers, we'veve got s in the bag. reporter: do you fear -- >> i don't know. i'm hoping young people -- enough young peoplee have woken up. i can't guarantee until i see the results. >> would you like a leaflet? reporter: the two affluent -- activists have one thing in common. for them, brexit is the most important election issues but their views cannot be more different. brent: here in germany, angela merkel's conservative cd party is holding its annual conference this weekend in the eastern city of light sick. it is important to note that chancellor merkel is no longer head of the party. her successor, this woman here, known as akaka, she is struggling in the polls. this gathering this weekend could see another fight over who
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should succeed angela merkel as chancellor. reporter: the cdu headquarters after a greenpeace operatition, the cd and cdu which stands for christian went missing. . not the parties worst problem inside. just one year ago, akk embraced her godmother, angela merkel, after succeeding her a as leader of germany's conservative party. but the man who was narrowly defeated never gave up on his chances of one day himself succeeding medical -- angela merkel.. the former cdu hopeful once left politics after losing out to angela merkel. in the years since, he decided to simply bide his time. her climb to the top of the party was soon followed by her dissent in opinion polls. within less than a year, her approval ratings have more than half. -- halved.
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when she had to explain why they lost elections in the east, it was the leader of the parties youth organization who openly confronted her with the leader question. opening the firing shot of the debate that has since overshadowed her role as party leader and german defense minister. stonefaced, she decided to take on the challenge. >> whoever believes the question of leadership needs t to be decided this fall will have the opportunity to do that at the party conference. reporter: within hours, her political rival was back with a sweeping attack. >> the whole appearance of a government is that a disaster. reporter: under pressure to demonstrate her own more conservative profile, she launched a series of strategic debates hedging for more german engagement in the world. a new town hardly contradict
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during -- hardly contradicting angela merkel but in between with her would-be challenger. the man in question saw more tame as the party conference neared. >> i found harsh words to criticize the government three weeks ago. close friends have since taken me aside and warned me not to go too farar. brbrent: that would mean lauaung a destrtructive debate over the potential future chancellor, rather than popolicy. this weekend's party confnferene will decide which way the party wants to go in germany's post-merkel era. brent: it is about the competition for power. to talk about that, i'm joined by our correspondent. it is good to see you. let's talk about this woman right here known as akk. she is struggling in the polls. why is that? >> some of it has to do with her as a person and as leader, if we
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have seen in the report. she has come under a lot of criticism from within her own party from the youth wing but also from people who have criticized her mistakes and bad decision-making in the past. the recent survey that says that only 6% of germans actually think she has been good for the party, that is only one side. the other goes deeper and it is a problem that a lot of big traditional parties are facing in germany. but also across the continent. and that is that they are losing support and other parties with more clear, political outlook gaining voters, especially young voters. in germany, it is the right-wing populist populace but also the green party. akk has not managed to revert that trend. a lot of people within her own party are calling for more distinct policies going forward and a clear direction of the cdu. brent: and maybe a more
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distinctive personality which brings us to the gentleman with the name of friedrich merz's. why is his name coming up over and over again? he has not been active in politics and a long time. we have to let our viewers know that he was taken out of action by german lynn chancellor angela merkel years ago. >> exactly. he has had an impeccable timing. he is always there to step in when a.k.k. is losing approval. he is there to present himself as the alternative. an alternative that those parts within the cdu are more conservative that want the cdu to move more toward the right in terms of migration, but also economic policies. those part of the party are favoring him. brent: we know the germans -- the german cap chancellor is known around the world. we know she will step down as chancellor in 2021. she is no longer head of her party. what role will she play this weekend at this party conference?
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>> a lot of people will pay close attention as to what she's going to say in her speech at the party conference because she is not the leader anymore. she is retiring from politics. and she has left the field of those internal struggles within her party largely to her successor, annegret kramp-karrenbauer. she is expected to only talk about european policy, foreign policy, policy issues that are close to angela merkel. have the same time, she still has that await. she's still the chancellor. the world is watching what angela merkel says. but she is aware of the fact that this party conference is supposed to determine the future direction the cdu was going too take and that is a future without angela merkel. brent: a future without her. but she is still there, at least this weekend, but not running for reelection. maybe she will be able to speak more freely than before. we will see. as always, thank you. firefighters are battling hundreds of bushfires across
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eastern and southern australia, at least six people have been killed since the blazes broke out more than a month ago. smoke from the fires has blanketed the country's biggest city, sydney. >> as bushfires tear through acres of australian farmland, a riptide of fire and fury, firefighters and their trucks can only try to catch up. for some, it is alrlready too late. the fires have left a trail of destruction in their wake. >> my cousin's place, their houses gone. -- house is gone. my other cousin, they lost their machinery anand stuff. it is totally gone. reporter: critics accuse the prime minister scott morrison of not taking g s environmnmental reononsibilitieses seriously. but he is -- h he has denied his
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government's claim of policies are to blame for the fires. bushfires are part of life here, people say the severity of this year is a consequence of climate change with the land dried -- dried out and ripe for fires. >> we have seen hot weather, we have seen strong winds, and we predicted there would be fire. it is important to point out that we still have a long way to go. reporter: in sydney, smoke from the fires has shrouded the city's most famous landmarks in a haze. people have been wearing masks because of the poor air quality. >> my nose is irritated and my throat is irritated. i woke up with it and decided to wear it today to help. reporter: the bushfires have affected all six of australia's states, the biggest risks this week are in the south with a code red declared in victoria. brent: this is dw news. these are our top stories. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has rejected hisis
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indictment on corruption charges saying that the country is witnessing "an attempted coup against him." he spoke shortly after the attorney general announced netanyahu would face trial for bribery, fraud, and breach of trust. u.s. lawmakers heard compelling evidence on the fifth and final day of public impeachment hearings against u.s. president donald trump. political counselor david holmes told how he overheard disputed telephone calls about a probe into trump's democratic rival. fiona hill, a former trump advisor, rejected claims that ukraine not russia meddled in the 2016 u.s. elections. britain's main opposition labour party has unveiled its manifesto for next month's election with jeremy corbyn vowing to make radical changes. the program includes higher taxes on companies and high earners, increase health spending, and read
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nationalization of some key services. smoke from bushfhfires has cread a thick haze over large parts of sydney, australia. fires along the east coast havae been raging out of f control for weeks now, killing six people, and destroying hundreds of homes. this is dw news from berlin. for more, follow us on twitter. you can also visit our website at you're watching dw news. after a short break, i will be back to take you through "the day." stick around for that. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, whicich is responsnsible for its caption contntent and accucurac. visit]
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. tool king you presented by katharine nicholson. france twenty four france twenty four .com. family to use welcome to live from piracy on fronts twenty four i'm margot in these are the headlines. even netanyahu has been charged with bribery fraud and breach of trust. israel's attorney general has brought the case after a three year investigation. the first israeli prime minister to face criminal charges while still in office. five a benny gantz school at a very sad day to israel. strikekes i in colombia widespspread anger against arriving government if you don do que has spilled over into the streets protests about persistent economic inequality as well as violence against social activists will l be speaking


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